February Newsletter Dental Awareness Month |
By Dr. Richard Duckett DVM
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Dental health often falls low on a pet owner’s list of health priorities. Many pet owners simply do not realize the impact improper oral health care can have on their pet’s overall health. Even if your cat could and did brush his/her teeth, plaque and tartar will build up over time leading to gingivitis and ultimately, periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, the most common disease in cats, is a painful condition leading to bleeding gums, bad breath, food aversion, behavioral changes, and tooth loss. More severe and potentially life-threatening complications arise when periodontal disease allows bacteria into the bloodstream resulting in potential damage to the heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
In addition to periodontal disease, cats may suffer from a condition known as Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions, commonly referred to as ‘FORLS’. This is a painful condition unique to cats whereby enamel is lost resulting in exposed and infected tooth roots. For many cats, this painful condition can only be detected at the time of a dental cleaning.
Although February has been declared Dental Health Month, we at The Cat Clinic of Plymouth feel every month should be dental health month. In fact, this is how we approach every cat, every visit, every month. In recognition of the effort in the campaign to make clients more aware of their cat’s oral health needs,
The Cat Clinic of Plymouth is happy to offer the following:
* 10 % discount on any and all dental procedures for any and all of your cats during the month of February ’14.
In addition, we are extending this offer through March ’14 in order to reach as many cats as possible.
Please call 508-746-8580 to schedule an appointment so we can get those teeth cleaned! It is important to us and important for your cat’s health.
Dick Duckett, DVM